HighFxRebates Logo

List Your Project:

We introduce you. You'll reach a more extensive community.

Attract and retain customers with HFR's listing and review platform.

  1. Fill out the "Request for listing" form.
  2. Get a special panel for your Broker or Exchange.
  3. Introduce your Broker or Exchange to be visible to more traders in the Forex and Crypto industry.
List Project

Why list the project at HFR?

After 15 years of experience, HFR has an extensive worldwide community of traders. So, Joining the HFR ecosystem with an already established base of users, projects, and communities is an excellent opportunity for your project to grow quickly. Join the HFR ecosystem to take advantage of HFR's expertise and credibility after 15 years of experience.

List your project, introduce it as well as it is, and attract traders worldwide.
How? Let's dive into it!

Present your project's features and attract traders. You'll gain more popularity as much as traders share their experience using your Broker or Exchange. So, HFR is supposed to provide a free review platform accessible to all traders to help you understand traders' needs, convenience, and issues to remain ahead of the curve in today's fast-paced markets.


Traders share their experiences.

We bring you and traders together to foster trust in the financial industry.

You create a better experience.

HFR is a free review platform for traders to share their experiences. HFR is a free review platform for traders to share their experiences. In a few words, we should always over-provide data (as opposed to censoring information) and let our users draw their own conclusions.

Panel with tools designed to fit you

After submitting your project, HFR checks the validity of the submitted data. If there is unanimity between all data, HFR confirms the project to be listed at HFR. Then, your project page on HFR will be created with all the information you have submitted. On the other hand, you will have access to a special panel with tools designed to help you promote and introduce your Broker or Exchange more.

Uploading Bonuses

Uploading bonuses and promotions:

At your panel, you can submit your bonuses and promotions that will be released on your project's page after review by HFR.

Uploading Bonuses

A place to release your company news:

Keep your traders and audience updated about your features, services, and hot project news.

Uploading Bonuses


You can access detailed reports of impressions, views, and outbound clicks on your panel in different charts, which will help you know how much your project page has gained popularity on HFR.

Uploading Bonuses


On your panel, you access likes, reviews, and reports, which will show you how inviting and impressive your project was based on the interactions of your viewers.

Uploading Bonuses

Promotions and ad plans :

Promotions and ad plans are available only for the Pro account.

Launched by

PipRebate Group


+15 Years



Frequently Asked Questions

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